How to Use Mud On My Knees

Prayer Guide/Journal

You can cultivate hearts through prayer; both those who have fallen far from God, and those whom you sense have hearts starting to grow cold towards God.

Or, use this journal proactively to protect your heart or the hearts of your loved ones.

You can even use these concepts to avidly intercede for the lost, those who’ve never known Christ as Lord and Savior.

Truly, it is a resource to help you help your loved ones live the abundant life they are destined to have in Christ.

This powerful resource is a combination of teaching and prayer journal, filled with:

  • Scriptures to pray
  • Valuable insights
  • Life transforming stories

You can use this guide in several different ways.

  • As a Resource or Devotional – read it and pray as God leads you.
  • As a Prayer Journal – read it and use it to interact with God, recording His activity in the lives of your loved ones and how He leads you in prayer.
  • As a Personal Prayer Garden – use it to cultivate your own opulent garden where God’s touch is evident in your life and the lives of your loved ones.
  • For a Wayward Loved Ones Prayer Group.

Devotional …

This manual has been created as a devotional from which you will gain prayer tools and insights to put into practice. Whenever you see the “SOWING SEEDS” section, it is time to:

  1. Receive God’s seed-thoughts into your heart,
  2. Meditate on them until they take root in your heart, or
  3. Sow God’s seed into the heart of another through prayer.

Many of the teachings within this work need to be put into practice or it will remain “head” knowledge and you will not bear the fruit that you desire. Therefore, I suggest you go over these truths daily for several months until prayer becomes a way of life. Set a time where you can be alone with God and begin incorporating them into your prayer life. Get in the habit of writing what God reveals. We have provided extra writing pages throughout for you to journal, pray and record those things you want to remember.

A Prayer Journal …

This book, while available either as an e-book or printed book, is meant to be held in your hands, so you can ponder it, manipulate it and refer back to it without having to fire up any electronic devise. Mark it up – go ahead – you can always start a separate journal if this one gets too love worn! To do it “right,” you’ll need the following things:

  1. Pen: Treat yourself to a special pen. Gel pens work well, although you might prefer an expensive, fancy pen. Whatever you decide, make sure it writes well and is comfortable to hold.
  2. Highlighter:  After recording insights that God speaks to your heart, you may want to highlight them so you can easily locate and re-read them later. At times, God speaks to get our attention, to warn us or prepare us for the future. Highlighting will help you discern what He is trying to tell you. Looking back, many times you will notice that He repeats His messages weeks or months apart in order to get your attention. If you do not record it, you might miss what God is doing.

Journal Pages…

Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later. Revelation 1:19

One of the most important features in this prayer journal is the capability to use it as a journal where you will write your thoughts, prayers and feelings to the Lord. Journaling might be difficult as you face the hard places your prodigals are traveling, but the insights you receive through this exercise of interaction with the Lord will far outweigh the pain – trust me, I know. As you slow down long enough to hear from God, He will encourage you and fill you with hope. Record whatever God speaks to you in your journaling pages.

Use your Journal section to:

  • Keep track of what the Lord reveals to you. God will give you revelations and lead you to pray in ways you would otherwise know nothing about.
  • Record scriptures, dreams, visions and insights that He gives you.
  • Pour out your concerns and pain about your loved ones.
  • Unload your heart to Him.
  • Record what you see God doing in your prodigal’s life. This will encourage you to press on and not give up.

Prayer Pages …

Sowing and Reaping pages, provide a way to date and record prayer requests and answered prayers, to help you create a legacy of God’s faithfulness that can be passed down from generation to generation.

Write out your prayer requests in the “Sowing” column and answers to prayer in the “Reaping” column. Be sure to date every entry in order to keep a record of when and how God answered your prayers. By doing this, a powerful testimony of God’s love and faithfulness is imprinted eternally in your wayward loved ones’ hearts – and in yours.

Prayer takes commitment. If you will commit to only 15 – 30 minutes a day in prayer, you will see God’s movement in your prodigals’ lives. As you experience God, 15 minutes will easily turn into an hour. Pray the personalized scriptures in the prayer section. God’s Word will not return to Him void. Praying scripture is powerful. His Word is at work in your loved ones’ lives. (1Thes. 2:13)

Additional Scripture Pages …

Add your own personalized scriptures as the Lord directs you. When you are reading your Bible, a verse might jump out at you. Pay attention and write it DOWN! God may be trying to encourage you or reveal something to you. Write them out and turn these life-giving seeds into prayer. When we know not what to pray or ask for, God will always lead us to what’s needed – in our own lives and the lives of our loved ones.

About Forms

There is no right or wrong way to use the forms throughout this resource. Be creative and use this journal whichever way works best for you. For example, I use the Sowing & Reaping forms to pray for my husband, children, myself and my prodigals. I use the Pray & Write forms throughout this resource to create prayer lists such as Ministries, Extended Family, Friend’s Requests, etc. Or I place the name and request next to a scripture promise in the Seed Section with a date.

Create a Personalized Prayer Schedule that works for you. My Prayer Schedule looks like this. Daily, I pray different categories of scriptures for my family, such as (heart scriptures, strongholds, weed killer scriptures) and then I add other categories. This covers my loved ones who are prodigals and those with hearts starting to grow cold. And this allows me to pray proactively to protect all of our hearts from drifting away from God. I then focus on one family member each day. And add the other prayer lists I have created to different days of the week. For example on Mondays I pray for all Prodigals. On Saturdays I pray specifically for Friend’s Requests and Sundays are designated for Ministries.

I use the Journaling pages for prayer directives from God or a place to work out a struggle I may encounter while praying. I use the Notes pages throughout this manual to add other teaching and revelation about Intercessory prayer. This allows me to keep everything that I am learning at my fingerprints.


Add a picture to the first page of someone you are praying for. Give it a try. This will help you to connect with those for whom you are praying. There is something about seeing their face when you pray. You will be reminded of your love for them and God’s plans for their lives.

Get your copy of Mud On My Knees today!

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